31 January 2015

Changing friends

since I'm in england I had to realise that sometimes friendships can change. I have done a blog post about friendships already so if you want to check it out as well? :) So I don't want to talk about that, I want to talk about how friendships can change and even some of them get completely lost.
Since I am here I got even closer to some friends, I write with them constanly in Whatsapp, facebook or whatever. I skype as often as I can and I have the feeling I never have been closer to them. That's something I've never expected. When I made my final desicion to move to England, this was one of the main things that hold me back to go this big step. Now I'm super happy I did it. When you're apart from your friends you start to think about the friendship and really appreciate them.
One thing I noticed is since I'm here I obviously made new friends because, come on, you need some friends with you as well with whom you can talk face-to-face. I'm super lucky to have met this amazing people and I'm really lucky but I realized that some of my friends struggle with me talking a lot of my new friends. I tell them what things we do and what we are planing, as you do. Some of my 'old' friends have some slightly problems with that. You could see that it bothers them. I don't know why, maybe because they were jealous or whatever but at some point I said to myself 'Ok, this isn't how it can go one for a whole year' so I talked to them. And you know why they acted like this? Because they were afraid to loose me, what I think is super cute of them. So we sat down (virtual) and talked about everything. That' the only advise I can give you. If you see or feel that there is a problem in your friendship, go and talk about it with your friend. That's the only way how you can solve it and don't hold back anything talk with open cards, tha's the only chance to solve it and get over it.
So, I'm super happy that I could solve this problems with some of my friends but on the other hand I had to realize that not all friendships can survive this year. 
For example I lost completely any contact to one of my bestest and closest friends. This was something I didn't want to accept at first. I tried and tried to stay in contact with her, but there was absolutly now chance. She is so busy with her own life that she couldn't manage to keep in contact with me.
For everybody who has experienced this, it absolutly hurts.
I don't know if it's normal, but I was very angry at first. I wanted to keep our friendship alive and she just throw it away. I was super angry.
But after a while I realized that she hasn't done it on purpose. This is something in life that happens and we have to accept that. I took my time and now I'm not angry anymore, I'm sad that it came to a end but I'm fine with that.
If you are in one of these situations don't be angry or mean! Stand up be more than this and think about why you lost contact?! Sometimes things or persons (also you) change and you can't help it that things change! The only thing is, you have to accept it and go on. This sounds easy, I know, but take your time and you will see things will get better and you will accept the things the way it is.
And at the end you will make new friends and someday you will look back with a smile to it rather than being full of anger.

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

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