11 April 2016

Real friendship?!

I know, I know I have done a blog post about friendships before but today I need to write about something that really bucks me at the moment. 
You know that when you're a friendgroup of 3 and then you don't see each other for a while because of holidays and once you're back, thinking everythings normal, nothing is normal. This just happend to me. 
As you might know I moved again to move in a new flat with a friend of mine who is in this friendgroup but since we are back everythings kinda strange. Both of my friends are really close and do stuff all the time, but I'm kinda left out. Even when we see each other they kinda ignore me.
As I described before it's normal for friendships to grow apart but still it's a strange feeling to come back to your normal life, thinking everything is okay and then you have to realize nothing is in fact okay and normal. 
Of course I do have other friends I can do things with and all kind of things but it still hurts a bit. Also knowing that a confrontation wouldn't do anything good, so you sit there having no control over things that are happening and knowing that you're basically powerless to change anything. 
I mean I'm totally fine with the fact that people grow apart and all the things that have to do with it, but not if you can't do anything about it and you have to see how you drift apart from people you still like because they give you actually a bit of a shitty time. 
Personally I don't even have any advise or tips you could do against that because as you know now I'm stuck in that as well and I hate the situation but don't know what to do. So instead of me giving advise this time feel free to leave a comment if you think you have some tips what someone in this situation could do. 
Sorry that this isn't a normal blog post and I'm kinda down because of that, but I felt it's liberating to write you guys about it. :)
I hope whatever you are doing you are doing fine and you like what you're doing at the moment. :)

Lots of love,   
Jen ♥