27 November 2014

Zoella Christmas Tag

I just wanted to get myself a little bit more into the Christmas spirit, so I watched Zoellas Christmas Tag video from 2 years ago (here is the link to it, if you want to check it out: Christmas Tag ) and I thought I give it a go myself. So here are the questions and answers:

1. When do you start getting excited about Christmas?
I think, I start to get exciting around the beginning of October. But I get into the Christmas spirit around middle of November, I guess.

2. Do you still have advent calendars?
Yes, of course, what a question?! :D (P.S.: I usually get one from my mum! :))

3. What are your favourite Christmas Films?
Ohh.. thats hard. Most probobly the classic 'Grinch' but I also looooove 'The Holidays'. One of my favourite films ever!

4. Do you have any funny Christmas memories?

I can't think of one but there must be one!

5. Talk us through your typical Christmas Day?
At the christmas day first decorating the tree (yes, that late!), then having a bath and painting my nails, getting dressed and put my make up and and do my hair and then go to church, having dinner with my family and then presents! :)

6. What do you eat for Christmas Dinner?
My family eats two dishes actually. My mum always eats German Bratwurst with potato salad and my dad eats fish with potato salad. So as a kid I had it in turns. But the last couple of years I do it the fish with potato salad. 

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
I do have one for Christmas presents buying and on at the christmas day.
So the first one is, on a friday going to the Christmas market with my best friend whilst eating a ice cream and afterwards eating a crepe with cinnamon and sugar and drinking a Kinderpunsch (children punch). After that baking Christmas biscuits, as well as the next day.
But my family has also the weird and cool tradition of a 'Christmas barbecue' at my oncles house on the 25th or 26th. (By the way Christmas is at the 24th in Germany!)

8. Which are your favourite Christmas songs?
Clissic ones like 'Last Christmas' and 'All I want for Christmas' but also 'Rudoph the red noised reindeer' and 'Only wish (this year)' by Britney Spears. But be honest, I do love nearly every Christmas songs. (Favourite album is by the way Michael Buble's one!)

9. What is the best Christmas present you ever received?

I really don't know what the best one is. I always get such cute ones from my family and friends that I really can't decide which one is the best!
But most probably the ones from my best friends because we always give each other such random and lovely presents! ♥

10.Real or fake christmas tree?
100% real! I hate fake ones, sorry!

24 November 2014


1 month, 30 days, 10 hours 52 minutes and 23 seconds, but whos counting?! :)
For me is the holiday season the best season of the year. I love the festive decorations, the spirit, buying christmas presents, spending time with family and of course christmas music. Usually I listen to the first christmas song on the 1st October, but this year I managed to listen for the first time on the 1st November (yes, I'm absolutly nuts and proud of myself! :P).
This year christmas will be very different for me because I'm staying in England, so I can't spend the time with my family, but thats how I wanted it! I think this is super exciting to see a different christmas then the one in Germany.
Anyway, what I wanted to write is: I do love this season because I do love to buy presents for my friends and family. I'm more of a giving presents person then receiving. I like to think about what my beloved people would like to get and I plan everything. Yes, I write a list every year with the names of the persons and what I could get them :). Is there anything better then wondering around in town, seeing all the festive decorations, buying presents, having a christmas special beverage and cake somewhere and chatting with friends?
If I still be in Germany I would buy all my presents on a Christmas market whilst I'm having an ice cream. Yes, you read right, ice cream (thats how exciting my life is :P). After that I would get a Crepe with cinnamon and sugar and a Kinderpunsch (children's punch). If you never have been to a german Christmas market or you even don't know what this is, firstly where on earth have you been and secondly you definitely have to go to one! I'm waiting for this the whole year and I'm going to as many as I possibly can go. Obviously I'm not doing this on my own. I do Christmas shopping with my best friend every year and Christmas markets are the best with your friends or with your boy/girlfriend.
It really frustrates me that, here in england, is nearly no Christmas markets. If you do know a good one let me know in the comments below! :)
After this I'm going to bake Christmas biscuits and listen to Christmas songs, obviously!
After this there is no way not being excited for Christmas!
Let me know if you have some Christmas traditions like I have! I would like to read them! :)

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥


9 November 2014


two days ago I watched Gabriella Lindley's video 'Let's clear this up' and I read Zoellas blog post 'Why I stopped daily vlogging / Hate on the internet' and it basically made me very sad. I don't know if you know that but I love Zoellas videos and every evening I always looked forward to lay in my bed and watch a new daily vlog. But now she stopped doing that because so many people write such bad comments underneath her videos. And honestly, why? People like Zoe and Gabriella and all the other youtubers, do these kind of videos because they know that we viewer like these videos, we like to know whats going on in their lifes. But then there are some people who don't apprechiate what they do and (in my opinion) are jealous of the youtubers who can life their dreams. I personally started my blog because I thought I like to do it and I really do, and most of the youtubers and bloggers did the same. They started this because they thought it would be quite fun and (as they say) never ecspected anything like the way their lifes are right now. They made it this far because they never tried to push theirselves into this place they are right now. They enjoyed doing this kind of things and tried to improve theirselves in it. Because they did such a good job in this and you relly can see that they enjoying it, so many people started to watch their contant and started to like it.
Obvioulsy, with this big audiance and this populatirty there will always be people who don't like the things you do, but thats totally fine. Not everybody likes the same things and there are so many good youtubers or bloggers, so you can choose the ones you like the most. Despite this fact some of these people start to spread hate to the people they don't like. It's like being in school again. Everybody of us knows these kinds of person. The one in class or school who picks out other people to bring them down and tell bad stroys about or even lies. When your in school you call them bullies and everybody tries to stop them. But in social media this kind of standing up seems not to work. Of course the 'real' fans tell them they should not watch their videos if they don't like the contant or the person but in school its like they stop at some point, not in the internet. These people write nasty comments all the time, to different persons. And this makes me honestly very angry.
Everybody has their right to tell their mind, no problem, but you always should be aware of how you say it. Some people just write down things in a very unpolite way and offend the youtubers, with absolutly no right. They make up their minds on a vision they see on a screen and then they think they know everything about the person and can judge them. But you really can't. They don't think of the fact that the videos are edited and they edit things out, but you think you do know them even thou.
All these people don't think about how it effects the people who do it. Youtubers and Bloggers tell us about this problem all the time, but nothing really changed. Because there are still people out there who don't get it.
You don't judge a book by its cover, why you do it with people then? And why in such a nasty way? Nobody says something against constructive critisism, but I do say something against mean comments. They are unnecessary and mean against the persons who do the contant, you wouldn't like it either if someone would tell you something like this. But of course it's way easier to hide behind a screen and say things like this. Good job mate!
That's all I have to say for now. Next time you write a comment, think about the way you say it, how it can effect the other person and if you would like to get told something like this. Like in 'real' life as well!

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

8 November 2014

First time Tag

FIRST tweet?
'we all know that @justinbieber didn't won a grammy but Justin is the winner of all ur hearts :)'
(yes I was quite a big belieber at this time! :D)
FIRST youtube video?
Havn't got a YouTube channel :)
FIRST person you subscribed to on youtube?
Oh god, Zoella I guess.
Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
Havn't had my first love yet ;)
What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Probably sparkling wine.
What was your FIRST job?
I worked at a football arena and sold there food and drinks.
What was your FIRST car?
Havn't had my first car yet (but I do have a driver license)
Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
My best friend :)
Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
My friends I have done something with.
Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
I women called Ms Hügelmann.
Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
I went to Slovakia.
Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
My first best friend was called Ann-Sophie and I do not really have contact to her anymore, but we do still talk to each other if we see each other.
Where was your FIRST sleep over?
I really don't know anymore. Probably at a birthday party at a friends house when I was in primary school.
What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
I looked at my phone.
What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
One Direction - Take Me Home Tour in Oberhausen
FIRST broken bone?
Never broke any bone.
FIRST piercing?
Don't have one but I really want to have a nose piercing.
FIRST foreign country you’ve gone to?
France, when I was around half a year old.
FIRST movie you remember seeing?
I can't remember anymore, but definitely a disney movie.
When was your FIRST detention?
When I was in grade 6 because my friends and I came back too late after we had to do a task outside.
Who was your FIRST roommate?
My brothers when I was younger and we shared a room :D
If you had one wish, what would it be?
That my best friend and I will always stay as close as we do right now.
What was the FIRST sport you were involved in?
Horse riding
What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home?
Change my pants into comfortable ones :D
When was your FIRST kiss?
When I was in kindergarten a boy kissed me. So around the age of 5.

28 October 2014

Missing friends and family

as you may know I do live in England for a year, that means I'm living away from my family and friends. This is of course extremly hard. Especially at this seasion of the year because every time I'm in town I can see all the festive decoration and this makes me, obviously, very sad that I can't spend this time of the year with my beloveds.
A lot of times I do lay in bed, thinking of my family and friends and missing them but what can you do against it?
Honestly, I havn't got any 'receipe' against it, I only can tell you what I try to do. So first of all I try to keep myself busy. Do a lot of things with the new people I met here and explore England. Keep myself busy with travelling. Beside of that I do try to keep in contact with my freinds. I do write with them on Facebook, Whatapp or wherever extremly often and I also do Skype with them as often as I can. I try to keep everybody updated in whats going on in my life and I also do want to know whats going on in their lifes. So I also do try to write them little postcards from the places I've visited and send them some little packages with typical english things in them, with things I do know they will be very happy about. And seeing them being happy about this little act of freindship makes me happy again.
Before I came here I also prepaired myself with a lot of pictures of them. I did a little photo album of my best friend and me with a lot of special memories we shared together. I also put a few pictures in frames which are now in my room and I have a standing photo album from my mum which shows my family. I alsways look at them when I'm in my room which let me forget a bit that they are so far away from me.
But I do know from friends here where I live now, that everybody has their own little rituals and little things which make them missing a bit easier. Some write letters with their friends and family, some do fly back home every holiday and even on the weekends some times, some arrange special times with their friends where they do the exact same thing at the exact same time and record that via skype, some film everything they do and send it to them, but nearly everybody always is sending voicemails. So do I. I think it's an amazing thing to hear the voices of your friends and family even during the day and then you don't have the feeling that they do live hunderts of kilometres away from you.

But in the end everybody has to find their own way of coping with the situation and finding the little tricks for theirselves of making the situation easier for them.

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

21 October 2014

Fan girls

today is going to be a bit different then usual. Today I was sitting in my room and listening to music and thought about fan girls. So if you are no fan girl or you hate them so you have to skip this blog post today! Sorry!!! And if you are a fan girl feel free to continue reading and share your thought in the comments below.

First I do want to make something clear: I don't talk about any specific artist or fanbase. Just my thought in general.
What defines a fan girl? If they buy every merchandise? They have all albums and EP's? Follow them on twitter, instagram, facebook or any other social plattform? I don't think so. I think you are a fan girl if you do enjoy listening to the music and you support the artist. No matter if it's with buying everything of the artist or tell your friends about them.
Because artist have so many fans, they develop a fanbase and these fans going to stick up together. The fans are starting creating facebook groups where you can join a big family and share your experiences, your thoughts and your feelings. They start to run update accounts, which are followed by thousends of users.
I do want to talk about these groups for a second. When I was in my room today I thought about these groups and I noticed how amazing this is. I am in a group myself and I read through some comments and I never really realized how amazing the people are to each other. They support each other, help them with advises to all types of topics and it is an amazing plattform where you can express your feeling toward the artist without getting judged by others because everyone feels the same there. The people do not only start to supporting their favourite artist, no, they also start friendships. I personally found a friend through a artists and I'm so happy to meet her. You genially can meet very nice and friendly persons there if you are willing to meet new people.
Fan girls are so much more than only 14 year old screaming and crying girls, who can't control their feelings because they are in puperty. There are also older girls who like to conact to others in their age who feel the same way or finding someone who wants to join them at meet ups or even going to a concert together because you don't have a friend who likes the same music and would join you to one. Media can show a total wrong image about them and this is the reason why so many people (I think especially older people) have a wrong imagination about these fanbases.
They think about girls in the street, desperate to see their idols, who would do everything to meet them. Of course every fan girl would love to meet their favourite artists but not all fan girls are like this. This is only a very few percentage of girls like this.

But anyway, what I wanted to say is, that I really admire how dedicated fans can be and I think fanbases are an amazing plattform for all types of persons because this is for so many people a escape to the real world, where they can be exactly who they are or who they wanna be without being judged or critizied.

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

7 October 2014

Don't stop believing

today I'm going to tell you something you already know: Don't stop believing!
You do have a dream to do something or to become something, why don't go for it? Ah right, there are family, friends, teachers and some other random persons who are telling you the whole time you can't reach your dreams! I nearly forgot about them. Sorry. You do want to you know why I forgot them? Because I don't care what these persons are saying!
I was dreaming to come to England after my graduation for 6 years now, but everybody I know always thought I'm never going to make it. But you know what? Here I am in England! I made it!
If I can do that why can't you do it then?! No matter what you are dreaming of, you always have to remind yourself if you do believe in yourself you can achieve everything you want to!
Want to become a doctor? Okay, I'm going to learn for my next class test instead of reading this boring blog. Want to do music? Okay give me a instrument and I practice as hard as I can to become the best musician I can be. Want to live abroad? What possibilities are there?! 
There are so many things people want to achieve and do and so many people reach their goals so why should I fail in it?
Let us take a look on someone who really achieved a lot in his life because he work very hard. (Even if you don't like him please try to see my point behind it!!!)
There was a little blond irish boy back in 2010 who wanted to be the best musician he can be, so he went to 'the X Factor'. Even though the judges didn't believed in him soo much he made it through the first round and before he could even realise what's happening he was in the biggest boyband these days. But he didn't make it into this band and is as successful as he is at the moment without working his butt of. He is working extremly hard for it to live his dream and to honest he really is living the dream.
As you may or may not already know, I talk about Niall Horan of One Direction. I do not write this because I'm a big 1D fan or anything, I do write this because I really admire how hard he worked and this always shows me that no matter who you are and where you from you can achieve the goals you are following. So if he achieved it why can't I achieve it then?!
Always remind yourself that there a plenty of people out there who dreamed about something and made their dreams come true because they worked for it. So don't put yourself down, you can do so as well!

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

1 October 2014

25 Questions about me

1. What is your middle name?: 
2.  What was your favourite subject at school?:
  English and Music
3. What is your favourite drink?: 
 I haven't a favourite drink really... Maybe smoothies...
4. What is your favourite song at the moment?: 
I just discovered 'Steal my girl' by 1D and I'm obsessed with it! But in general all of their songs or 5 Seconds of Summer. :)
5. What is your favourite food?: 
Oh gosh, can't choose! I love food way too much! :D But if I need to, then pasta with cheese probably. Side note: I'm a vegetarien! :)
6. What is the last thing you bought?: 
 Benefits 'they're real push up liner'
7. Favourite book of all time?:
 Proabably 'The Fault in our Stars'.
8. Favourite colour?: 
A light and very specific blue! :P
9. Do you habe any pets?: 
I do have a dog back home in Germany
10. Favourite Perfume?: 
One Direction 'Our Moment'
11. Favourite Holiday?: 
All my holidays I spend with my family when I was little and the one I spend with my bestie and my parents.
12. Are you married?: 
Yes, to 5 different men! :D :P
13. Have you ever been out of the country?: 
Obviously because I do live in England now! :)
14. Do you speak any other language?: 
My mother language is German and beside of that I can speak English and the tieniest bit of French.
15. How many siblings do you have?: 
Two older brothers
16. What is your favourite shop?: 
Gosh, there are too many good ones outthere!
17. Favourite restaurant?: 
One in Germany called 'Asia City'. They have a massiv Buffett of different asian food! :)
18. When was the last time you cried?: 
On the 31. August when I had to say goodbye to my best friend! ;(
19. Favourite Blog?: 
There are a lot good ones but I do have to stick to zoella.co.uk
20. Favourite movie?: 
 'The fault in our stars'
21. Favourite TV show?:
  Whether 'Suits' or 'Awkward'
22. PC or Mac?: 
PC (I've never owned a Mac, so I don't really know...)
23. What phone do you have?: 
An iPhone 5s
24. How tall are you?: 
 I'm 163cm
25. Can you cook?: 
 Yep! I do love cooking (and baking!) And I also do have a weird obsession with Jamie Oliver and his books! :) :D

30 September 2014

Shake it off

lately I've listened a lot to Taylor Swifts new song 'shake it off' and I do have to admite that I love this song. This song is just so positive and reflect exactly my point of few. If you haven't listen to this song yet, go and check it out!
Basically it's about that people are going to judge you no matter what you do or wear and that's totally true but should you care about their opinion? I don't think so! You do thinks for a reason and you do wear things because YOU like it, who cares if it floads my boat or someone elses?! The only important opinion is yours! Try a new style? Why not?! Wear a bright, outstanding lipstick? Why shouldn't I?! Wear a straiped dress even though I'm a bit curvy? Who cares?!
Hates gonna hate and always will be! No matter what you do or wear.
Sometimes the people who disagree the most with you are the people who admire you the most. The people whom would like to be friends with you or whom would like to be like you. They try to cover up their insecurity with trying to bring others down but in reality they love'd to be exactly like you and be as brave as you.
Honestly I'm not the most confident person in the world and even though I do believe in the things I write, not listening to these persons can be sooo hard. But sometimes you have to push yourself to do it and you will be suprised how good you will feel if you do what you want and don't listen to the people around you anymore as much as you used to.
When I'm out shopping I'm always challenging myself to buy at least one thing I really like but I wouldn't buy normally because I think people will think it doesn't suit me or it's a bit edgy. And for these things I normaly get the most compliments. So why should hide myself?
So if you do stand in front of your mirrow tomorrow and you're insecure whether you should wear that or not, go for it! You will be suprised in how many people will like it or even don't care!


Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

28 September 2014

Hello England!

I know I havn't done a blog post for quite a while but I do have a reason for this. 
I moved to England!!!

This is pretty exciting for me. I dreamed of this for such a long time and finally the time is here, I do have the opportunity to live in England for one year.
Of course this was such a big step for me. I do need to left-behind all my friends and family and I moved to a town I don't know a single person. But so far I'm loving it.
I think the british people are so nice and friendly and everything is amazing here! :D But this isn't the point of this blog post!
Since I do have big changes in my life right now, I also want to change a bit on this blog. I do want to write more regualy again and move forward with this blog! :) I also want to keep you uptodate what I do in this year.
So this is basically everything I'm doing at the moment, learning a foreign langauage, culture and way of life.
I hope you do want to follow me along in this journey! :)

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

17 July 2014

'The fault in our stars'

I know that there are millions of recessions of this movie and book but I just have been in this movie and I NEED to write about it.
For everybody who hasn't heard about it yet, 'The fault in our stars' was at first a book which was released in 2012 by John Green. Baised on this book Josh Boone made a film of it.


The story is basically about a girl who has cancer and is going to die but then she's meeting a young boy who is completly changing her life. I don't do describe it more because I don't want to give away anything.
After I watched this movie I felt first of all very sad but also happy and I felt blessed to have this life I do have.
I think this movie is very eye-opening because it isn't like any other movie. It isn't put lipstick on the pig and you can really good empathise into the characters (no matter if it's the main character Hazel or Augustus or their parents or friend).
I personally think that this is one of the best movies I've ever watched and I'm definitely going to watch it several times again.
I havn't read the book yet but I'm definitely going to a book shop today and buying it. If the book is only half as good as the film it'll be amazing!
So if you havn't watched or read the movie/book yet, I only can recommend it to you!!! It is definitely worth it!!!

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

12 July 2014

Summer song list

for this post I decided to write down all my favourite songs I like to listen to this summer! Hope you like them too and you enjoy listening to them as much as I do! :)

  • 5 Seconds of summer: The whole album! I can't choose a single song! (If you haven't heard a song of them yet, 1. where have you been? 2. go and check them out, they are AMAZING! :))
  • One Direction: Half a heart
  • One Direction: Midnight Memories
  • One Direction: What makes you beautiful (And all other songs of 1D really)
  • A day to remember: If it means a lot to you
  • Ed Sheeran: Sing
  • John Legend: All of me
  • Pharrell Williams: Happy (This song has to be in this list ^^)
  • Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne: Rather be
  • Katy Perry: Dark horse
  • Maroon 5: She will be loved
  • Maroon 5: Won't go home without you
  • Macklemore: White Walls
  • Bruno Mars: The Lazy Song
I think this is enough for now. If you would like to know more songs I like to listen to, let me know! :)

Lots of love,   
Jen ♥

5 July 2014

Summer Activities

Summertime, holiday, no school, but what can I do now? Stay in bed all day and spend my day in the internet?
This sounds like an amazing idea, but very boring for a long time! So why don't call a few friends or one friend and do something?
I did write down my favourite activities I like to do in the summertime and who knows, maybe you get inspired by this and you get some friends and do you do the same?! :)

  • swimming (pool, sea or lake) 
  • bowling 
  • barbecues
  •  picnics 
  • sitting at a lake and chatting 
  • going for lunch or dinner (I do like dinner especially because it's outside very light for a long time) 
  • going for a drink in the evening ( I don't mean to get drunk but sitting together, have a nice coktaail or other alcoholic or non alcoholic preference and have a chilled evening)
  • do sports together (it's more fun together and you get more motivation)
  • go to an amusement park
  • go to concerts or to musical things in your area (I mean with that to pubs where different artists are playing -  no famous ones, just musicans) 

Lots of love,   
Jen ♥

24 June 2014


by the title of this post you already know what my post is about:


First of all: What are friendships?
I don't think you can really define what friendships are because every single person is looking for different things in a person.
For some it is the most important thing that they can trust in somebody, for others it's the most important thing that they can have fun together, for others it is the most important thing that they don't have to pretend to be someone else and for another person ir is important that your friens is a good listener or whatever else.
But a friend don't only need one of these characteristics, a true friens needs to combien all of the characteristics you look for in a friend. Only if these is the case you can call her or him a true friend.
If you found a person who has all the characteristics you look for, you shouldn't let this person go away of your life again. Sometimes it can be extremly hard to still keep in touch with them if you change school for example or you graduated and everybody is going to a different city for college. But if you still make the effort to contact the onther person via messages, facebook, whatsapp or whatever, you still will be able to keep your friendship alive. Of course, a friendship only works if you see eachother from time to time but if you're still in contact you will also work something out to see eachother. 
And friends aren't one of the best thing in the world?
For me their are. I don't know what I would do without them. You always have somebody you can talk too, you can be exactly the person you are and don't have to pretend to be someone else, you can do a lot of crazy things with them and they will always be there for you if you need them.
For me I can only say, that I'm absolute lucky to have the most amazing friends in the worls (like everyone else as well :)) and I apprechiate every minute I can spend time with them! And because I feel this way, I think it is necessary to tell or shoe them this sometimes. I don't mean with very expensive gifts (because you can't buy friends!) or whatever. Sometimes a 'thank you for being there for me' or a ' I love you' means more than gifts! So don't forget to show your love towards them or how much you apprechiate them. Because friendships needs this sometimes as well!

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

20 June 2014

Sucky Blogger

at first I have to say such a massiv sorry for not posting anything on here for ages! I'm soooo sorry about that but in my life there where quite a few changes and things going on so I hadn't much time. I don't try to excuse my behaviour but sorryyyy...
For now I want to change it!!! I do have a lot more time in the next months so I do want to start again writing new posts. I try to figure out something at the moment! :) So be brave with me. :) I also thinking about daily blogging (is this a word? :D), but I'm not too sure about that yet, because I don't know if I can make it! :))))
But yeah, I hope I see you very soon and you're still reading my blog even though I have been very sucky!

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥