1 month, 30 days, 10 hours 52 minutes and 23 seconds, but whos counting?! :)
For me is the holiday season the best season of the year. I love the festive decorations, the spirit, buying christmas presents, spending time with family and of course christmas music. Usually I listen to the first christmas song on the 1st October, but this year I managed to listen for the first time on the 1st November (yes, I'm absolutly nuts and proud of myself! :P).
This year christmas will be very different for me because I'm staying in England, so I can't spend the time with my family, but thats how I wanted it! I think this is super exciting to see a different christmas then the one in Germany.
Anyway, what I wanted to write is: I do love this season because I do love to buy presents for my friends and family. I'm more of a giving presents person then receiving. I like to think about what my beloved people would like to get and I plan everything. Yes, I write a list every year with the names of the persons and what I could get them :). Is there anything better then wondering around in town, seeing all the festive decorations, buying presents, having a christmas special beverage and cake somewhere and chatting with friends?
If I still be in Germany I would buy all my presents on a Christmas market whilst I'm having an ice cream. Yes, you read right, ice cream (thats how exciting my life is :P). After that I would get a Crepe with cinnamon and sugar and a Kinderpunsch (children's punch). If you never have been to a german Christmas market or you even don't know what this is, firstly where on earth have you been and secondly you definitely have to go to one! I'm waiting for this the whole year and I'm going to as many as I possibly can go. Obviously I'm not doing this on my own. I do Christmas shopping with my best friend every year and Christmas markets are the best with your friends or with your boy/girlfriend.
It really frustrates me that, here in england, is nearly no Christmas markets. If you do know a good one let me know in the comments below! :)
After this I'm going to bake Christmas biscuits and listen to Christmas songs, obviously!
After this there is no way not being excited for Christmas!
Let me know if you have some Christmas traditions like I have! I would like to read them! :)
Lots of love,
Jen ♥
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