28 September 2014

Hello England!

I know I havn't done a blog post for quite a while but I do have a reason for this. 
I moved to England!!!

This is pretty exciting for me. I dreamed of this for such a long time and finally the time is here, I do have the opportunity to live in England for one year.
Of course this was such a big step for me. I do need to left-behind all my friends and family and I moved to a town I don't know a single person. But so far I'm loving it.
I think the british people are so nice and friendly and everything is amazing here! :D But this isn't the point of this blog post!
Since I do have big changes in my life right now, I also want to change a bit on this blog. I do want to write more regualy again and move forward with this blog! :) I also want to keep you uptodate what I do in this year.
So this is basically everything I'm doing at the moment, learning a foreign langauage, culture and way of life.
I hope you do want to follow me along in this journey! :)

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥


  1. Your blog is so cute and positive! :)

  2. aawww.. thanks! :) really like yours as well! :)
