10 November 2013

Little Me - Little Mix

  She lives in the shadow of a lonely girl,
Always so quiet you don't hear a word,
Always talking but she can't be heard.
You can see it there if you catch her eye,
I know she's brave but it's trapped inside,
Scared to talk but she don't know why.

Wish I knew back then,
What I know now,
Wish I could somehow,
Go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice.
I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out,
Talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder,
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful,
Everything she doesn't see.

You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out.
And you know that right here, right now,
You can be beautiful, wonderful,
Anything you wanna be,
Little Me.

Yeah you got a lot of time to act your age,
Can you write a book from a single page,
Hands on the clock only turn one way.

Run too fast and you risk it all,
Can't be afraid to take a fall,
Felt so big but you look so small.

Wish I knew back then,
What I know now,
Wish I could somehow,
Go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice.
I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out,
Talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder,
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful,
Everything she doesn't see.

You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out,
And you know that right here, right now,
You can be beautiful, wonderful,
Anything you wanna be,
Little Me

20 October 2013

'Beauty is not about looks, makeup or clothes. True beauty comes from being yourself. The more you show who you really are, the prettier you will be.'

'You're always going to have people who agree and disagree with your life but at the end of the day YOUR OPINION is all that matters.'

'So please don't judge me and I won't judge you. 'Cos it could get ugly before it get's beautiful.'

'Even when it feels like it can't get any better. Keep your head up & smile. Don't let them breake you.'

'Haters don't really hate you. In fact, they hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they wish to be.'

'The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say YOU cannot do.'

'The definition of eautful does not require the word SKINNY.'

'Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain!'

'I'm a strong girl who keeps her stuff in line. Even when I have tears going down on my face, I always manage to say those two words; I'M FINE.'

'Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy is the most lonely person.'

'Music becomes my best friend when nobody else understands me.'

'In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.'

'First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.'

'It's never too late to be what you might have been.'

'All our dreams can come true. If we have the courage to pursue them.'

13 October 2013

I need YOUR help!

today I'm not ganna write a new blog post today (I mean the way you used too...).. I know, you're all very sad about that :), but I wanna ask you something...
Do you like my blog? And if not why? Do you have any suggestions for me? Like if you would like to see a post about a special subject or do you have any tips for me?
I'm really interested in your opinion and I really hope somebody writes me something.. Because I've never got any review (no matter if it was positiv or not).. :( And I really care about your opinions..
In the last time I also thought about mixing up my topics a little bit.. I thought about writing about make-up and fashion as well.. what do you think about that?
Or if I should do a post where I gonna indroduce myself a little bit more (50 facts about me or your questions or stuff like this..)

Soooooo please, please, please, please,... write me a message with your opinion (and you do can write your opinion even if it's negativ... so I can learn for the future!) or tips or what you like to read in the future!!
You can write me here on my blog or on twitter (https://twitter.co/smilie2020)!

It would be soooo amazing of you if you would do that and you would help me sooo much!!!
And thanks so much for reading my stuff, you don't know how much that means to me!!! ♥ I never would have thought that even one person would read my things...

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

6 October 2013


it's this time of season again where everything is changing!
The leaves are changing colour and falling down, but not only this, also the weather is getting colder.
If it's getting colder (and trust me, where I live it's getting pretty cold I think... :)) I'm always a little bit disappointed because I love summer and the sun. But there is a strategy I came up myself to get over this change!

- First I'm always expulse my summery clothes and change them into thick clothing and nice bobble hats. 
- I am always buying new candles with wintery/christmas smells. 
- Then I'm always makeing myself as often as I can hot chocolates (Of course you also could make yourself a coffee or tea if you prefer!). I think there is nothing better than sitting in your extremly good smelling room (because of the candles ;)) with a warm cup in your hands. :)
- I'm also changing a little bit my music I'm listen to. I tend to listen to very slow music in this season but I always remind myself to hear also to up tempo songs. Because if I'm always listening to slow songs I can get very depressed very easily! But I also like to listen to acoustic versions of songs. I think they're always a good option to the orignals! :)
- A thing I'm always looking for to do is decorating my room! I love to do that. Hang up fairy lights and decorating everythings very christmas/autumn like! I think thats the time in the year were my little room looks the best! :)
- And the last thing I like to do is to start planning christmas prestens! Yeah, I know it's October... And yes I know christmas is over 2 months away! But I'm like one of these annoying persons who like to think about presents very deeply and I don't like to give away very ordinary presents! I think about everything twice and it takes me ages until I found a presents for everyone with which I'm happy with. And if I wouldn't plan it that early I think I would go out on the 24th of Decemeber and buy everything.. And we all know what that means! :)
So I try to start as early as I can so I haven't all this stress! :)

So thats the things I like to do when it's getting very cold again... 
Feel free to leave a comment below and tell me what you like to do or write me on twitter! :)

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥


19 August 2013

Wear what you want

there're a lot of discussions of what people should wear and what not! What people should waer if they are skinny or a liitle bit portly. But who has the right to say that?
In my opinion nobody!!
Everybody should waer what their would like to waer and where their feel comfortable in!
I personally even don't fit in any scheme because I waer what I like to waer and if it doesn't float someone's boat it isn't my problem! :)
I know that this sounds very harsch but it is you who have to feel comfortable in this clothes and no one else! So why should I waer something where I don't feel comfortable and where I'm not the person who I am?
Everybody should accept you as the person you are and don't judge you by your outlook!
Because at the end you are much more than clothes or a beautiful face!
Always remember this and the next time you're going shopping buy the things YOU would like to wear and not the things someone else says it looks good!

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

1 August 2013

Being beautiful in a different way

as a girl I really know how it feels to feel ugly and bad! Especially if you don't look like a supermodel or a star you look up to. 
We always see the bad things ourselves, but never the good things. We son't like our legs, our stomach, our eyes, our hair, our everything.
And if we are not so good with boys, we criticise ourselves even more and consider ourselves as ugly!

But the fact that we are forgettings is:
No one is ugly! Everyone is beautiful in their own way!!!!

Even if we don't look lika a supermodel we also can be beautiful!
There is no rule which says what's beautiful and what not! We all are beautiful!
And if you see nothing on your outside that you think i beautiful, don't forget the inside! Being beautiful in your inside is so much more attractive than on yout outside!

Because if you' re honest everybody knows that at first sign the look is important but at the second the person is important! 'Cos at the end you want to be together with a person who is intelligent and nice and not someone who looks nice but is a goon!

So the next time you stand in front of the mirror don't judge yourself to much because at the botton of your heart you know that you are much more beautiful inside! And that's the only thing that matters!!!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

21 July 2013

Enjoy the little things

I think it's the nature of human beings that we always care about the big things in life. All these litte things that can make us happy as well are not on our spot and we ignore and forget them. But shouldn't we enjoy these things and hold on on them?
I know that it can be sooo hard to see aöö the little things which are good in life and don't focus on the bad things!
So for example if I'm in school I always focusing on the bad marks i get and not on the good marks! RIght after I got them I forget them and I remember my mind that the last test wasn't that good.
But why?
There are so many bad things in life, so shouldn't weconcentrate on the good things and make us a little bit happier with these things?!
So if you get a compliment do you remember it? But if someone told you that you don't look so good today do you remember this?
Yes you do! No matter what you say, you always remember the bad things and not the good ones. 
But that's so wrong! You do need to remember the good things n your mind and forget the bad ones!
I don't want to say that you should walk around with your head held up very high but I mean everbody should take criticism but remember who said it and if I personally care.
And if someone gave me a compliment take it and keep it in mind and if you feel bad or not so beautiful, you can remind yourself and cheer your day a little bit up! :)

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

30 June 2013

Don't change

at the moment I'm thinking about a lot of stuff very deeply. But the hardest thing I think about at the moment is to change for others. I think about if it's right or no to change your personality for others. Shoudn't everybody take you as the person you are and don't try to change you?!
For me is the answer YES! I think that everybody should take somebody as the person their are. I really don't understand the thing in changing others just because you don't like a habit of the person or the way he or she likes to make his/her hair, just to say 2 things....
When you really like a person you should take the person the way he or she is and accept this and don't try to change everything about the person! Everybody is unique and individuell and we should be happy about this and don't try to make everbody the same because than life would be sooooooo boring!
And I really don't understand these persons who change the way their are just because of a boy or girl they really like and give up themselves because a other person can't take you the way you are..... 
I even had 'friends' who tried to change me or friend of me... Everywhere there are persons like this but we have to understand what their try to do and stay strong and stand up for us and say we are good the way we are and we don't change ourselves because there is one person who like to and we can't feel comfortable in our skin anymore! We have to understand this and find 'real' friends who take us for who we are and don't try to make us to other persons!!!
So stand up for the person you are and never let anybody change the way you are!!!!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

2 June 2013

All I need

so as you can guess by the titel of this blog post I will wirte about all I need. But the question is 'what do I need?'
Answering this question is so simple for me! Because all I need personally is music!!!!
Whenever I feel down or I'm just the happiest girl in the world, I turn on my iPod and listen to music!
And because of that I listed down some songs I really like at the moment! No matter if it's a song I like to listen to when I'm feeling good or not!
I really hope you like the songs and leave a comment below, what's your favourite song at the moment or you love to listen to all the time if you need it! :)
So enjoy the songs!! :)


12 May 2013

Nobody is perfect

so todays blog post is about a discussion that everbody knows! It's about beeing perfect!
We all have this imagination of a perfect boy/girl in our minds but can a perfect person even exist?
In my opinion no! It's scientifically proven that a person who looks like 90/60/90 can't even exist.. So I'm very sorry boys but you can't get your perfect girl who looks like a barbie.. :( :)
But beside of that what makes a person perfect?
For me personally it't just character! As simple as it's sounds!
Of course we all are saying that look doesn't matter but be honest, look does matter! The first impression we get from a person is their look, so we can't say it doesn't matter. However we can say that it is important but we are looking more for the person who is behind this shell and thats the important part. It's soooo easy to say that look is the only thing that matters but what if the person looks good but on the other hand he or she is stupid and you can't even have a conversation with?
So lets go aways from this whole perfect look thing and look inside of the person! Doesn't it matter that you can have fun with the other person and you are really like the person and you enjoy the time the person is around you?!
So for me the disscusion everbody is having for ages is just that short! If I personally like a person than look doesn't matter and I even don't try to be perfect. Then if you are perfect isn't life very boring?
If that's the case you can't go crazy with your friends, you can't be creepy or just can't do things that normal people wouldn't do and in my opinion these things are the stuff that makes life exciting.
So don't try to be perfect! Don't try to be like Beyonce, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber or whoever you idealise. You are perfect the way you are and don't try to be a other person because you are unique the way you are and that's good and for a reason! And even when you are saying now 'But nobody like me' that's not true! Outthere there is at least one person who likes you the way you are and wouldn't like to miss this!!!!
So try to remember this words whenever you try to be perfect, and say to yourself that this isn't something that's worth it!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

 Nobody's perfect

8 May 2013

How can I make somebody happy?

since I started this blog I talked a lot about how you can make yourself happy, but what's about other people? You might not know this but we can also make others happy! So I thought a little bit about how you can make others happy and here is a little collection with the most important points that Icame up with:

- Cheer them up when their are feeling down 

I think this one is very important so I start with this. Always when I feel down I'm so glad if there is a friend out there who try to make me smile again. No matter if it's working or not, I just think the thought is important. You can see that the person cares about you and likes you.

So if you have a freind who is feeling down just try to cheer them up and lets make them forget their problems for a second.

-Accepting a person as who their are and don't try to change them

This is maybe the most important piont in my opinion. I personally think that everbody should be accepted for who their are and for who their want to be. I know that there are so many people out there who try to change others personality or look. But why? Shouldn't we accept everbody for who their are and make them this way happy?!

- Show somebody love

I know that for example parents can be sooooo annoying and we are wishing sometimes that they wouldn't annoy us anymore but what would be if their wouldn't be there anymore? We wouldn't be happy either!
So why don't we just show somebody we love that we love them?! This don't have to be a big present or something other material, it also could be a simple 'I love you' or 'Thanks for always been there for me'. And you can see that you make somebodys day just with these simple words if they came from the bottom of your heart and you meant it this way. This person won't stop smiling the whole day and you can bet on it that the person will be happy, even if it's just for a little time!

- When you spend time with somebody who is lonely

There are so many lonely persons out there, so why don't we spend time with these? No matter if this is a friend who feels lonely because he or she break up with somebody, lost someone or just haven't found lots of freind. So why don't we bring oneself to spend time with these persons.
Also there are lots of lonely persons out there we don't think about very often. Just imagine a old man or women in a home for the elderly. Most of these persons are very lonely as well, so why don't we spend a little bit of our free time to play with them cards or go for a walk with them. When you did this once you can see in their faces how happy their are that someone spend time with them and they will always be so thanksful to you for this.

I know that this are just a few reasons and I collected lots of more but why don't we try to make at least one person a day happy with a good think or a nice word.
So if you ever made somebody happy with something you done let me know in the comments below or write me on twitter. I would love to read them! :)

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

28 April 2013

Job Future

recently I was lying in the sun and thinking about my future. I thought about what I should do after school, which I will finally finishing in just 1 year! (Ahhhh... panic attack!! :o) But what should I do after it? Should I take a gap year or should I staring going to university directly? I personally definitely don't know it. And thats why I talked with some friends of mine about the future and nearly everbody didn't know what to do after school.. So I thought about it once again and I realiced how much presure we actually have. We have to make our parents proud with everything we do. We have to let nobody of our family down but, and the most important thing is: we have to choose something that we are happy with. But what is that? And this question is tooo hard to figure out. What do we want to do? Which job would I like to do later? And at this piont it's not only important that we like the job and we will work on it with all our hearts, nowadays it's also important if we earn enough money with it so we can live from it and maybe start a family without having much worries about the money. A big point on this list is that if we found a job we would like to do, are there ecually enough place of employment?
But beside of all these questions we shouldn't went crazy and do something we peronally don't like to do anly because we don't want to disappoint our parents or because their had planed our future but we wouldn't like to live our lifes that way but we do it because we don't want to disappoint them. All this is soo hard to decide and we probably we struggle with it for ages but the only thing that matters is if we happy with it and we can life wih it. Our parents have got a life. But we have our whole life to live and why do we want to waste it?
Even if we left school and we don't know what to do, thats not a shame! These days there are so many opportunitys for us to do to find out what we would like to do. We can take a gap year and travel around, be a au pair, do work and travel, do voluntary work or work experiences.
So don't do droop, just find out what you want to do and if your parents do plan your future for you talk with them. Tell them you don't want to live the life their want you to life. You want to do your own thing and at the end of the day their have to life with your decision and you as well!!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

21 April 2013

Pamper evenings/ positiv outlook

we all know this days, when we are not feeling too comptable in our skins. You just had a very stressful day, a argument with your friend or you think that on this day nothing fits right. On these days the best way to feel better again is just to have a pamper evening. Take a bath with some candles and some nice relaxing music, crap yourself a little bit of sweet (we all know that this will be chocolate! :)), put a facemask on and just lay in bed and don't think about anything. At this evenings we just have to come down and put all the bad thought, the pressure, all the worrys and everything we have to handle with everyday away. Even if we feel so worst, we just have to try to feel better again.
Not only on evenings like this we have to treat ourself nice, no, we should treat ourself ALWAYS nice! I know that this is sooo hard and nobody will ever make this happen. But why do we telling us what we don't have, what we can't do and always see in other persons things we would love to have and we would love to do? Why don't we see what we can do the best?
Every person is special in their own way and we should understand this and figure out what we can do the best and whats amazing/ nice about ourself and try to focus on this stuff. And not on all the stuff we will never achieve and reach.
I know very good that it's soooo easy to say this and their will be times you will concentrate yourself just on the bad things, but as long as we remember that there are good things about everyone it's fine. I don't won't to say everybody has to walk around extremly arrogant because they just concentrate on the good stuff and don't see when they are doing a mistake. Definitly not, but we just should see the positive side. If we do make a mistake, it's alright! We are just normal human beings so everybody makes mistakes, as long as we stand up again and try to do it better the next time.
So very long story, very short. Why don't we try to focusing on the positive side about ourselfs a little bit more and look in the mirror and don't say: I don't like my hair today or I don't like this and this about my body. Why don't we stand in front of our mirrors and say: I might not like my eyes today but I don't care. Even Megan Fox isn't look pretty every day!
So I hope a few people reminde my words the next time they stand in front of the mirror and see the positive side!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥

14 April 2013


did you looked out of your window in the last few days? Yes? So you must have recognized that it's finally SPRING!!! Wuhu! :)
This means that the cold, grey and very short days are over!
With spring there come along a lot of good feelings. So a lot of people won't be depressive anymore and everybody is just in a nice and lovely mood!
Of course there are a lot of people who meet a nice person in their life and they will end up being in a realtionship. But once again, what's with these persons who don't find a partner? Should these one getting depressiv again and don't come out of their houses? Defnetly NO!
These person have to be in a good mood as well, live their life and smile! A lot of people are thinking only because they haven't got a boy- or girlfriend they can't be happy, but that's so wrong!
Even without a partner you can enjoy your lofe and do so many exciting stuff. Do you really need to have a partner for going to the park for a walk? Do you really need to have a partner for going to the cinema? Do you really need a partner for laughing? Do you really need to have a partner to smile?
Once again: NO!
You could do all this stuff on your own or grap some friends and have nice days and evenings. Go out with them, meet new people and who knows maybe you meet a person who is very very nice and you get on very very nice!?
So go out, enjoy the sund and life your life as an teenager/ young adult! And you will see that you will not regret your decision and you will have amazing times which are full of good memories!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥


7 April 2013

Take a Smile

as you can reckon from the titel of this blog, I started this blog because I personally think sometimes it's very hard to take a smile. You just can go outside and walk down the street and I bet that there are not so many people who walking around smiling. But why?
Shouln't we walk around smiling and enjoy our days? Why is it sooo hard to smile sometimes? Why is it sooo hard for some people to smile? These and many many more questions made me to start this blog.
I just want that a few more people walk around with a smile on their lips even without a special reason.
A lot of people may say that their are not happy and thats why their don't smile. But why aren't you happy? I know being happy can be soooo hard but every single person has got moments where they are happy, so why can we not  keep this moments in our minds and if we need to be a bit happier retrieve this moments and smile again.
I know that this is soooo easy to say but why don't we give it a go and try it?
I really hope that if a person is reading this, someone remember what I wrote down and if you are down you remember my words and you can smile again even only for a short time but this would mean soooooo much to me!
So I hope you have an awesome day!

Lots of love,
Jen ♥


14 February 2013

Valentine's Day

As you all know, today is Valentine's Day.
And because of this there are a few of us who are thinking this is the best day in the year but for some others of us it's the worst day in the year and some of us aren't very interested about it.
I think it's much interesting why it is like this.
If i'm thinking of Vaelntines's Day I have lots of pictues in my head. Couples walking around, hearts, flowers and all these others typical stuff.
But what about all these who haven't got the pleasure to spend this day with the person they love or havn't find a partner yet? These persons have got 2 opportunities: The first is they spend the whole day in they house/ room and don't go outside. The other opportunitie is they pretend they don't care and walking around smiling and packing their day full of stuff so they don't have to think about this day. Of course there are also people out there who aren't very interested in this day at all and don't care. But I personally only know these two typs of persons.
So it's just the question which of these person you are on your own and how you handle this day.
But at the end of the day there is just on thing that matters:
If you are loved?! And I don't mean by an amzing person whoyou are in a relationship with, I mean any person who love you. No matter if that's your parents, brother, sister, freinds or who ever is an close person to you. It's just important that you know you are loved by somebody out there.
So I hope you have an nice day...
Lots of love,
Jen ♥

21 January 2013


so this is my very first blogpost. To be honest I'm very exciting about this! I decided to do my very own blog because I very enjoy reading others blog and I thought I should give it a go and try my own one. I hope I don't do this just one or two time.. I really hope that I can conact with other peolpe this way and I enjoy making all this..
So I hope you may visit my blog again and you have an very nice day!!!

Jen ♥