so todays blog post is about a discussion that everbody knows! It's about beeing perfect!
We all have this imagination of a perfect boy/girl in our minds but can a perfect person even exist?
In my opinion no! It's scientifically proven that a person who looks like 90/60/90 can't even exist.. So I'm very sorry boys but you can't get your perfect girl who looks like a barbie.. :( :)
But beside of that what makes a person perfect?
For me personally it't just character! As simple as it's sounds!
Of course we all are saying that look doesn't matter but be honest, look does matter! The first impression we get from a person is their look, so we can't say it doesn't matter. However we can say that it is important but we are looking more for the person who is behind this shell and thats the important part. It's soooo easy to say that look is the only thing that matters but what if the person looks good but on the other hand he or she is stupid and you can't even have a conversation with?
So lets go aways from this whole perfect look thing and look inside of the person! Doesn't it matter that you can have fun with the other person and you are really like the person and you enjoy the time the person is around you?!
So for me the disscusion everbody is having for ages is just that short! If I personally like a person than look doesn't matter and I even don't try to be perfect. Then if you are perfect isn't life very boring?
If that's the case you can't go crazy with your friends, you can't be creepy or just can't do things that normal people wouldn't do and in my opinion these things are the stuff that makes life exciting.
So don't try to be perfect! Don't try to be like Beyonce, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber or whoever you idealise. You are perfect the way you are and don't try to be a other person because you are unique the way you are and that's good and for a reason! And even when you are saying now 'But nobody like me' that's not true! Outthere there is at least one person who likes you the way you are and wouldn't like to miss this!!!!
So try to remember this words whenever you try to be perfect, and say to yourself that this isn't something that's worth it!
Lots of love,
Jen ♥
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