did you looked out of your window in the last few days? Yes? So you must have recognized that it's finally SPRING!!! Wuhu! :)
This means that the cold, grey and very short days are over!
With spring there come along a lot of good feelings. So a lot of people won't be depressive anymore and everybody is just in a nice and lovely mood!
Of course there are a lot of people who meet a nice person in their life and they will end up being in a realtionship. But once again, what's with these persons who don't find a partner? Should these one getting depressiv again and don't come out of their houses? Defnetly NO!
These person have to be in a good mood as well, live their life and smile! A lot of people are thinking only because they haven't got a boy- or girlfriend they can't be happy, but that's so wrong!
Even without a partner you can enjoy your lofe and do so many exciting stuff. Do you really need to have a partner for going to the park for a walk? Do you really need to have a partner for going to the cinema? Do you really need a partner for laughing? Do you really need to have a partner to smile?
Once again: NO!
You could do all this stuff on your own or grap some friends and have nice days and evenings. Go out with them, meet new people and who knows maybe you meet a person who is very very nice and you get on very very nice!?
So go out, enjoy the sund and life your life as an teenager/ young adult! And you will see that you will not regret your decision and you will have amazing times which are full of good memories!
Lots of love,
Jen ♥
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