I just wanted to get myself a little bit more into the Christmas spirit, so I watched Zoellas Christmas Tag video from 2 years ago (here is the link to it, if you want to check it out: Christmas Tag ) and I thought I give it a go myself. So here are the questions and answers:
1. When do you start getting excited about Christmas?
I think, I start to get exciting around the beginning of October. But I get into the Christmas spirit around middle of November, I guess.
2. Do you still have advent calendars?
Yes, of course, what a question?! :D (P.S.: I usually get one from my mum! :))
3. What are your favourite Christmas Films?
Ohh.. thats hard. Most probobly the classic 'Grinch' but I also looooove 'The Holidays'. One of my favourite films ever!
4. Do you have any funny Christmas memories?
I can't think of one but there must be one!
5. Talk us through your typical Christmas Day?
At the christmas day
first decorating the tree (yes, that late!), then having a bath and
painting my nails, getting dressed and put my make up and and do my hair
and then go to church, having dinner with my family and then presents!
6. What do you eat for Christmas Dinner?
My family eats two dishes actually. My mum always eats German Bratwurst with potato salad and my dad eats fish with potato salad. So as a kid I had it in turns. But the last couple of years I do it the fish with potato salad.
7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
I do have one for Christmas presents buying and on at the christmas day.
So the first one is, on a friday going to the Christmas market with my best friend whilst eating a ice cream and afterwards eating a crepe with cinnamon and sugar and drinking a Kinderpunsch (children punch). After that baking Christmas biscuits, as well as the next day.
But my
family has also the weird and cool tradition of a 'Christmas barbecue'
at my oncles house on the 25th or 26th. (By the way Christmas is at the
24th in Germany!)
8. Which are your favourite Christmas songs?
Clissic ones like 'Last Christmas' and 'All I want for Christmas' but also 'Rudoph the red noised reindeer' and 'Only wish (this year)' by Britney Spears. But be honest, I do love nearly every Christmas songs. (Favourite album is by the way Michael Buble's one!)
9. What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
I really don't know what the best one is. I always get such cute ones from my family and friends that I really can't decide which one is the best!
But most probably the ones from my best friends because we always give each other such random and lovely presents! ♥
10.Real or fake christmas tree?
100% real! I hate fake ones, sorry!