20 October 2013

'Beauty is not about looks, makeup or clothes. True beauty comes from being yourself. The more you show who you really are, the prettier you will be.'

'You're always going to have people who agree and disagree with your life but at the end of the day YOUR OPINION is all that matters.'

'So please don't judge me and I won't judge you. 'Cos it could get ugly before it get's beautiful.'

'Even when it feels like it can't get any better. Keep your head up & smile. Don't let them breake you.'

'Haters don't really hate you. In fact, they hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they wish to be.'

'The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say YOU cannot do.'

'The definition of eautful does not require the word SKINNY.'

'Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain!'

'I'm a strong girl who keeps her stuff in line. Even when I have tears going down on my face, I always manage to say those two words; I'M FINE.'

'Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy is the most lonely person.'

'Music becomes my best friend when nobody else understands me.'

'In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.'

'First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.'

'It's never too late to be what you might have been.'

'All our dreams can come true. If we have the courage to pursue them.'

13 October 2013

I need YOUR help!

today I'm not ganna write a new blog post today (I mean the way you used too...).. I know, you're all very sad about that :), but I wanna ask you something...
Do you like my blog? And if not why? Do you have any suggestions for me? Like if you would like to see a post about a special subject or do you have any tips for me?
I'm really interested in your opinion and I really hope somebody writes me something.. Because I've never got any review (no matter if it was positiv or not).. :( And I really care about your opinions..
In the last time I also thought about mixing up my topics a little bit.. I thought about writing about make-up and fashion as well.. what do you think about that?
Or if I should do a post where I gonna indroduce myself a little bit more (50 facts about me or your questions or stuff like this..)

Soooooo please, please, please, please,... write me a message with your opinion (and you do can write your opinion even if it's negativ... so I can learn for the future!) or tips or what you like to read in the future!!
You can write me here on my blog or on twitter (https://twitter.co/smilie2020)!

It would be soooo amazing of you if you would do that and you would help me sooo much!!!
And thanks so much for reading my stuff, you don't know how much that means to me!!! ♥ I never would have thought that even one person would read my things...

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥

6 October 2013


it's this time of season again where everything is changing!
The leaves are changing colour and falling down, but not only this, also the weather is getting colder.
If it's getting colder (and trust me, where I live it's getting pretty cold I think... :)) I'm always a little bit disappointed because I love summer and the sun. But there is a strategy I came up myself to get over this change!

- First I'm always expulse my summery clothes and change them into thick clothing and nice bobble hats. 
- I am always buying new candles with wintery/christmas smells. 
- Then I'm always makeing myself as often as I can hot chocolates (Of course you also could make yourself a coffee or tea if you prefer!). I think there is nothing better than sitting in your extremly good smelling room (because of the candles ;)) with a warm cup in your hands. :)
- I'm also changing a little bit my music I'm listen to. I tend to listen to very slow music in this season but I always remind myself to hear also to up tempo songs. Because if I'm always listening to slow songs I can get very depressed very easily! But I also like to listen to acoustic versions of songs. I think they're always a good option to the orignals! :)
- A thing I'm always looking for to do is decorating my room! I love to do that. Hang up fairy lights and decorating everythings very christmas/autumn like! I think thats the time in the year were my little room looks the best! :)
- And the last thing I like to do is to start planning christmas prestens! Yeah, I know it's October... And yes I know christmas is over 2 months away! But I'm like one of these annoying persons who like to think about presents very deeply and I don't like to give away very ordinary presents! I think about everything twice and it takes me ages until I found a presents for everyone with which I'm happy with. And if I wouldn't plan it that early I think I would go out on the 24th of Decemeber and buy everything.. And we all know what that means! :)
So I try to start as early as I can so I haven't all this stress! :)

So thats the things I like to do when it's getting very cold again... 
Feel free to leave a comment below and tell me what you like to do or write me on twitter! :)

Lots of love,  
Jen ♥
