at the moment I'm thinking about a lot of stuff very deeply. But the hardest thing I think about at the moment is to change for others. I think about if it's right or no to change your personality for others. Shoudn't everybody take you as the person you are and don't try to change you?!
For me is the answer YES! I think that everybody should take somebody as the person their are. I really don't understand the thing in changing others just because you don't like a habit of the person or the way he or she likes to make his/her hair, just to say 2 things....
When you really like a person you should take the person the way he or she is and accept this and don't try to change everything about the person! Everybody is unique and individuell and we should be happy about this and don't try to make everbody the same because than life would be sooooooo boring!
And I really don't understand these persons who change the way their are just because of a boy or girl they really like and give up themselves because a other person can't take you the way you are.....
I even had 'friends' who tried to change me or friend of me... Everywhere there are persons like this but we have to understand what their try to do and stay strong and stand up for us and say we are good the way we are and we don't change ourselves because there is one person who like to and we can't feel comfortable in our skin anymore! We have to understand this and find 'real' friends who take us for who we are and don't try to make us to other persons!!!
So stand up for the person you are and never let anybody change the way you are!!!!
Lots of love,
Jen ♥