As you all know, today is Valentine's Day.
And because of this there are a few of us who are thinking this is the best day in the year but for some others of us it's the worst day in the year and some of us aren't very interested about it.
I think it's much interesting why it is like this.
If i'm thinking of Vaelntines's Day I have lots of pictues in my head. Couples walking around, hearts, flowers and all these others typical stuff.
But what about all these who haven't got the pleasure to spend this day with the person they love or havn't find a partner yet? These persons have got 2 opportunities: The first is they spend the whole day in they house/ room and don't go outside. The other opportunitie is they pretend they don't care and walking around smiling and packing their day full of stuff so they don't have to think about this day. Of course there are also people out there who aren't very interested in this day at all and don't care. But I personally only know these two typs of persons.
So it's just the question which of these person you are on your own and how you handle this day.
But at the end of the day there is just on thing that matters:
If you are loved?! And I don't mean by an amzing person whoyou are in a relationship with, I mean any person who love you. No matter if that's your parents, brother, sister, freinds or who ever is an close person to you. It's just important that you know you are loved by somebody out there.
So I hope you have an nice day...
Lots of love,
Jen ♥